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Three of The Most Common Places For Arthritis

Living with arthritis can be a struggle. The inability to open a jar, hold a pen to sign your name, or write a grocery list can be excruciatingly painful. When can barely get out of bed because your joints are sore and stiff, you could be suffering from arthritis.

There are over 100 different types of arthritis and all of them pose different problems. Let’s explore the three most common types of arthritis.


 You use your hands every day. There isn’t a day that goes by without the need for you to use your hands. So, it would be no surprise to find that arthritis can affect your hands and the joints in your fingers.

Years of repetitive use, such as, working as a secretary or high-speed typist can add to the likelihood of getting arthritis. Mechanics, carpenters, and other types of work that require continual manual dexterity over time can also cause arthritis to occur.

You can have arthritis in your fingers and basal arthritis is common for people who do sewing or other factory work. It is the overuse of the joint that causes the cartilage to wear down. While women are more likely to develop arthritis in their hands than men (because of detailed household work), arthritis can and does affect men as well.

You might notice that you are having problems holding items. If you drop them or it is painful to pick up and move an item. You notice that you lose feeling in your fingers. They may even feel like there are “pins and needles” in them.

Depending on how severe the symptoms are, it can warrant the use of over-the-counter medications, prescription medications, physical therapy (including yoga, chiropractic treatment, acupuncture), wearing a wrist brace and compression gloves, and/or, in some cases, surgery. In some cases, arthritis can trigger carpal tunnel syndrome. 


Your knees help you stand, sit, walk, and dance. You can’t go up or down a flight of stairs without the use of your knees. When arthritis strikes your knees, it can be devasting. Everyday activities like enjoying a walk on a nice day, going for a bicycle ride, playing golf or tennis, or dancing can be upended.

One thing that makes arthritic knees worse is being overweight. Carrying extra weight on your body isn’t healthy and can make those joints work harder and suffer more. As a result, you will most likely have more pain and swelling in those areas.  Having arthritis in your knees can make you feel handicapped. It is vitally important that you seek treatment for arthritis in your knees.

Being able to move especially in an emergency is vital for your well-being. Don’t ignore pain or swelling in your knees. There are many different modes of treatment available and can provide some relief for your symptoms. It is important to get to the bottom of knee problems and get back into enjoying the freedom that mobility offers.


Arthritis in the hips can also lead to being on the sidelines as it can hurt to sit, stand, move, or just get in and out of bed. Your hips are the bedrock of your body as your legs extend out from them and your upper body rests on them. Arthritis in the hips can start at an early age with a slight dull pain or ache which might be brushed off as doing something too quickly. But over time, as you age, it will become clear that there is a problem.

You might notice pain that radiates outward toward the buttocks or inward towards the groin. The pain might be severe in the morning but once you start moving around a bit, it will subside.

There also might be a pain if you are engaged in a strenuous or prolonged activity like long-distance walking. In the hips, the cartilage can wear down just like it does for the knees and the hip socket can have issues fitting properly as a result of the erosion over time. With regard to relieving pain in the hips, one of the first things that should be considered is weight loss.

Losing weight will help lower the stress on the hips. Changes in daily activities can help. Try incorporating swimming or swim therapy. This will make you buoyant in the water so you can move about without gravity bearing down on you. Exercising to build strength and increasing your flexibility will help minimize arthritic pain in the hips. Make sure you speak to your doctor or physical therapist about the best options for you.


Cano Health is a full-service health care facility, accepting both Medicare and Medicaid.  If you are looking for compassionate health professionals who care for and treat people with arthritis, look no farther than  Cano Health.


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