As a senior who cares about your own health, you know how important it is to take your medications as prescribed by your healthcare provider. An important part of good health means getting the prescriptions you need to stay healthy or to recover from a health condition. There are many pharmacies to choose from, but not all pharmacies specialize in senior care. Finding a senior care pharmacy can be a tremendous help to you when you are managing your prescriptions and want the added support and care that comes with using a service designed specifically for your needs.
Pharmacists at a senior care pharmacy provide expert advice on the use of medications to individuals and older adults. Senior care pharmacists provide personal care that is centered on you and your needs. They take into account the complexity of senior health issues, nutrition, medications, and many other factors affecting this population. They are an important part of a senior’s health care team and can make managing your health much easier and more straightforward.
Here are some of the things a senior care pharmacy is there to do for you:
- Counsel you: Senior care pharmacies are sources of information for you. They can provide recommendations for prescribers and caregivers.
- Review your medication: Senior care pharmacies review your full list of medications including both prescription and over-the-counter medications such as dietary supplements and herbal products. This is extremely important to get a complete picture of your health. Especially because some over-the-counter medications can actually interact with your prescriptions in a way that can make them less effective.
- Identify problems: Senior care pharmacies are there to identify any untreated or under-treated health concerns you have and to provide advice on treatments for those problems.
- Communicate with your doctor: Senior care pharmacies can serve as a source of medication management knowledge for everyone on your clinical care team. They can educate others on the best uses of medications that are prescribed to you.
- Help you transition to new doctors: Senior care pharmacies are there to aid you if you need to change your healthcare provider or transition into a new level of care.
Senior care pharmacists can provide this type of clinical expertise to people of any age; however, they are specially trained to focus on the special pharmacotherapeutic challenges of senior citizens. A senior care pharmacy will not only manage your medication but help improve outcomes for you, thus improving your quality of life.
A Senior Care Pharmacy with Prescription Delivery Services
Cano Health has a prescription delivery program for seniors as part of its senior care pharmacy. Cano offers daily prescription filling to seniors at conveniently located pharmacies or at-home delivery of prescriptions for no added cost. Cano Health can also transfer your existing prescriptions from other pharmacies or call your doctor for additional refills.
Senior care pharmacies are an excellent source of information on prescription help for seniors on Medicare. Far too many seniors struggle with the cost of prescription medications. Some even to the point where they are unable to follow their doctor’s orders and receive the medications they need to improve or maintain their health. Out of this tremendous need for prescription help for seniors on Medicare the government has created a program for eligible participants.
People with Medicare can qualify for a program called Extra Help. This program assists with Medicare prescription drug plan costs. The Extra Help is estimated to be worth about $5,000 per year. To qualify for the Extra Help, a person must be receiving Medicare, have limited resources and income, and reside in one of the 50 States or the District of Columbia. This is a source of prescription help for seniors on Medicare that your senior care pharmacy can talk with you about in greater detail.
The Extra Help program will have a low or zero cost annual deductible. Likewise, the monthly premiums will be low or zero cost. People who qualify for the program will pay much less for prescriptions. An additional benefit for people who are eligible for Extra Help is that they may be able to get reimbursed for some of the money they have already spent on prescriptions.
For seniors in need of help paying for their prescription drugs, this plan could be life-changing. If you are not able to determine your own eligibility online you can seek advice from your primary care physician or senior care pharmacy. There is a tremendous need for support for Americans, particularly seniors, who are dealing with high prescription costs. Managing one’s prescriptions accurately and having access to medications can mean the difference between life or death, health or disease for many Americans.
Cano Health is happy to answer any of your questions about our senior pharmacy services. Please contact us today.