When to Worry About Varicose Veins

doctor showing when to worry about varicose veins

Varicose veins are very common among the general population. These bluish, twisted, and enlarged veins are not only unsightly but can often cause a variety of symptoms. Knowing when to worry about varicose veins is important when it comes to managing stress. Varicose veins develop in the superficial veins that are closest to the skin […]

¿Cómo se Siente la Artritis?

hand showing what arthritis feels like

La mayoría de las personas desarrollarán dolores y molestias articulares ocasionales en algún momento de su vida. Desafortunadamente, un número significativo de estas personas desarrollará dolor articular crónico y rigidez que indica el desarrollo de artritis. En la actualidad, casi 55 millones de adultos estadounidenses tienen algún tipo de problema crónico de dolor y articulaciones, […]

What Does Arthritis Feel Like?

hand showing what arthritis feels like

Most people will develop the occasional joint pain and aches sometime in life. Unfortunately, a significant number of these individuals will develop chronic joint pain and stiffness that signals the development of arthritis. At present, nearly 55 million American adults have some type of chronic joint and pain problems, and the numbers are rapidly increasing […]

Cómo Detectar el Alzheimer a Tiempo

early alzheimer's diagnosis

A pesar de la investigación exhaustiva, actualmente no existe ninguna prueba de laboratorio o de imagen que pueda hacer un diagnóstico precoz de la enfermedad de Alzheimer (EA) de manera concluyente. Solo cuando los síntomas son graves y la enfermedad ha progresado, los trabajadores de la salud pueden hacer un diagnóstico de la enfermedad de […]

Diagnóstico y Tratamiento Precoces de la Enfermedad de Alzheimer

alzheimer's diagnosis and treatment

El diagnóstico y tratamiento precoz de la enfermedad de Alzheimer son dos preocupaciones en las que los científicos e investigadores se están enfocando mucho para ayudar mejor a los pacientes en el futuro. La esperanza para el futuro tratamiento precoz del Alzheimer se basa en nuevas formas de diagnosticar la enfermedad antes de que comience […]

How to Detect Alzheimer’s Early

early alzheimer's diagnosis

Despite extensive research, there is currently no laboratory or imaging test that can conclusively make an early diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease (AD). It is only when the disease has progressed that healthcare workers are able to make a diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease. What makes the diagnosis difficult is that the symptoms are often non-specific and […]

Alzheimer’s Disease Early Diagnosis and Treatment

alzheimer's diagnosis and treatment

Alzheimer’s disease early diagnosis and treatment are two concerns that doctors, scientists, and researchers are heavily focusing on to better help patients in the future.  Hope for future early Alzheimer’s treatment relies on new ways to diagnose the disease before mental decline has begun.  New strategies are being tested and they include: Biomarkers for earlier […]

What are the 7 Stages of Alzheimer’s Disease?

man going through the stages of alzheimers disease

Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a complex disorder of the brain whose cause remains unknown. AD can present with alterations in mental status, cognition, and behavior, but it is very rare for the disorder to present suddenly. After studying AD patients for decades, researchers now agree with the following 7 stages of Alzheimer’s disease. The 7 […]

Why Do Alzheimer’s Patients Get Angry?

angry dementia patient

A significant number of individuals with Alzheimer’s disease (AD) will develop behavior and mood problems at some stage of the disease. This kind of aggression usually becomes more obvious when AD patients get to the later stages of the disease. Alzheimer’s patients get angry, irritable, impulsive, and very agitated for no apparent reason. They can […]

What are the Stages of Alzheimer’s DIsease?

stages of alzheimer's

Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a slowly progressive disease that occurs in stages. Initially, the disease is mild, but, with time, it progresses and the symptoms of the final stages of Alzheimer’s disease can become severe. Eventually, Alzheimer’s disease affects most areas of your brain. Memory, thinking, judgment, language, problem-solving, personality, and movement can all be […]

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